From our house at sunset

From our house at sunset
Mountain of God - from vZ's mountain house

Sunday, December 26, 2010

In the Sky to OHI

Today is the beginning of my three week retreat to Optimum Health Institute in San Diego. It will be my second time, and I can't wait. I have my suitcase loaded with inspirational and spiritual books, candles, incense, great music on my ipod and my fantastic headphones. I've scheduled my various massages and colonics, a chiropractor appointment with Dr. Andy, and will work on writing some poems or learning a piano song so I can participate in the Friday night talent shows.

The thing I love about OHI is --- well -- I just love everything about it. The staff is amazing, the other guests are always fascinating -- many coming for their 20th time or more and often great stories of complete reversals of cancer and other diseases when they permanently adopt the raw foods/wheat grass lifestyle. I love the scent of the wheat grass juicing room -- you juice your own, and must have at least four ounces a day. I always have 8 or more because I love the "taste of the smell" of freshly cut grass on a warm summer day. We have two days a week of fasting, just drinking wheat grass juice and/or water. OH, I love the teachers, they are some of the absolute best, most authentic, inspirational and substantive I have heard. They practice what they preach, and so does the entire staff. There is one missionary who must be 100 at least (jk) who does yoga and works out and looks like a healthy 65 year old. The feeling at OHI is just warm, safe, positive, spiritual.

We stay very busy at OHI. We have stretch and exercise a couple of times a day then classes on self esteem, relaxation, health, et. The facility is nice, not posh. For the same program and treatments in other places you pay from $3k to $5k a week. OHI was founded on the principal that this lifestyle and knowledge should be available to "regular people" -- and that patrons would "carry the word" to ordinary people.

Don't freak out, but I will qualify for being a "missionary" at the end of my three weeks. That means I can come to OHI and spend up to three months as part of the staff for only room and board of $600 a month. I really would love that when I retire. Well, I will try to take some pics and cover my adventures in the blog.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Granite Heart

I’m clinging to my cracked granite heart.

Burning molten sadness
is seeping
through the fissures
ripping away
my carefully constructed façade
scorching hopes and dreams.

What force will melt these frozen tears
Long fossilized
by artificial smiles
and carefully veneered
by pretending all is well?

Looking fearfully into the abyss
of knowing and unknowing
I’m grasping, then falling
Out of control.

The unstoppable ache in my heart
recognizes this suffering
shared by all beings
suddenly parted
from the pieces of themselves
residing within those they love
and lose.

I shall sit with this
In faith and patience
Sensing my own humanity.
Asking, listening, waiting…

Didn’t a wise man say “Prayer is the passport to peace?”