From our house at sunset

From our house at sunset
Mountain of God - from vZ's mountain house

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Found the Best of All Poets and Poems

My wonderful friend, Darioush Khaledi who owns the Darioush Winery in Napa, sent me a book called The Gift by Hafiz, the great Iranian Sufi master. I gobbled this book up in one night like a hot fudge brownie, and already have marked all my favorites. This guy lived in the 1300's, and his poems are originally in Farsi, the true language of poets and love. Very hard to translate, but the translator really "updates" the meaning into modern lingo.

Taste this one and see what you think. I think everyone should buy this book. These poems are spiritual, funny, uplifting, and clever as can be. I really needed this poem just when I found it, so Hafiz was watching over me with The Friend.

Your Mother and My Mother

Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
I would like to see you living
In better conditions.

For your mother and my mother
Were friends.

I know the Innkeeper
In this part of the Universe.
Get some rest tonight,
Come to my verse again tomorrow.
We'll go to the Friend together.

I should not make any promises right now,
But I know if you
Somewhere in this world -
Something good will happen.

God wants to see
More love and playfulness in your eyes.
For that is your greatest witness to Him.

Your soul and my soul
Once sat together in the Beloved's womb
Playing footsie.

Your heart and my heart
Are very, very old


  1. I love that poem. I'll have to see if I can find that bookfin on Amazon. Thanks.

  2. Just what I needed! thanks

  3. Jeanne ! What an assortment of wonderful friends you have. You are blessed with them and that is because you bless your friends and speak to them from your heart. Love, Mom
