From our house at sunset

From our house at sunset
Mountain of God - from vZ's mountain house

Monday, April 6, 2009

Musings Past Midnight

The dead of the night is here and I am alone in Max's hospital room listening to his multitude of monitors and fighting the grip of fear around my heart. Max had brain surgery following an attack in our home on Tuesday by a fellow Grand County High School student. I am afraid of the unknown and uncontrollable. I am out of my element here, subject to so many variables and so unprepared to cope.

Max is our only child -- well, hardly a child -- he is 15. Just this year he shot past me in height and became a man, with man hair on his legs and the shadow of a mustache above his lip. How can this happen without my permission? The world is going too fast for me. Wait. Stop. Take me back to the days when he was little and I could carry him and make all the bad things go away with a song and a kiss.


  1. I really love this. I can totally relate. How do these people grow up on us so fast? You're a great mom and Max is so blessed to have his crazy, hippy mom!!

  2. This is beautiful as are you my friend!! You are an amazing friend and even more amazing mom!! Max is so lucky to have you as his mother and David as his father!!
